
10 Ways for Singles to Begin the New Year

Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book
Here we are at the start of another year.  If you are single, you probably got enough reminders in recent days that you are not in a committed relationship.  Perhaps there are also family members and friends who get on your case and talk to you often about the merits of “settling down.”
It would be easy for us to join the bandwagon, but we’re not going to indulge in something as self-serving as suggesting that you look for a compatible match on Jodi365.
Rather, we have some counterintuitive suggestions on ways in which singles can begin the new year.

1. Do nothing extraordinary – and be at peace with it!

Do nothing extraordinary
image: Kronerda/Flickr 
Don’t feel the pressure to do something “fun” just because it seems as if everybody around you is celebrating and having a good time.  It’s okay to act like it’s just another 24-hour-cycle in the Earth’s endless rotation.  Read a book, watch TV, surf the web… do what you would do if it were another quiet, peaceful night.

2. Visit a place of worship

Visit a place of worship
Image: Vinoth Chandar/Flickr
Even if you are not spiritually inclined, derive comfort from seeing others derive peace, comfort, and hope at a temple, church, or mosque.

3. Reflect on the year gone by

Image: athrasher/Flickr
Image: athrasher/Flickr
Better yet, get into the habit of meditating.  You will be a calmer, better person for it.

4. Call and catch up with friends

Image: dmosiondz/Flickr
Image: dmosiondz/Flickr
Strengthen existing bonds.  Re-kindle old friendships.  Hold on to friends who like you for who you are.

5. Host a potluck  

Image: robpurdie/Flickr
Image: robpurdie/Flickr
Have neighbors or a group of friends over and ask each person to bring a dish or a drink.  Encourage them to bring along friends who are single or new in town.  Enjoy the food, conversation, and making new friends.

6. Visit an orphanage or old-age home

Image: ebc-pcw/Flickr
Image: ebc-pcw/Flickr
There are many people who are truly by themselves in this world.  Pay some of them a visit.  All they may want is someone to talk to them.  Do that, and spread some cheer.

7. Walk a dog.  Or let a dog walk you!

Image: wheany/Flickr
Image: wheany/Flickr
Don’t have an animal companion?  Visit a local animal shelter and volunteer to walk a dog.  Watch its tail wag for the entire walk.

8. Sleep well

Image: gods-art/Flickr
Image: gods-art/Flickr
If there are worries that weigh you down, remember that most things feel better after a good night’s rest.  Go to bed early.  (Tire yourself in the day if you must.)  Rise early.  Take in sunrise regularly.  As the saying goes, you will be on your way to being healthy, wealthy, and wise.

9. Make new-year resolutions you will actually keep

Image: photoann/Flickr
Image: photoann/Flickr
No need to aim for the moon.  Set modest, monthly goals and make measurable progress towards them.

10. More than anything: Don’t be hard on yourself!

Image: wwward0/Flickr
Image: wwward0/Flickr
Why, go beyond that and pamper yourself occasionally.  Dig into some chocolate.  Go shopping.  Get a massage.  Hit the gym.  Or learn some cool new dance moves.  Basically, get those endorphins flowing!  Remember this advice, though: “Anything in moderation, but nothing in excess.”
Happy new year!
Featured image courtesy of pictoquotes.
Editor’s note:
Random acts of kindness are harder to come across in this increasingly dog-eat-dog world. Read 30 Everyday Acts of Kindness That We Can All Practice, to know how you can be a part of making the world a better place.
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Jodi365: Find the right partner, at your own pace.

About the author

Anil Kumar

Anil Kumar is the founder and CEO of, which aims to become the preferred matchmaking platform of educated Indian singles worldwide.


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