Relationships Stories

The Path of Love

The fourth in a new series of poems on love and longing.  What is it like to be in love?

Time seemed to go unnoticed,
Traveling distances well-practiced.

Waiting to meet was never a bother,
I could go in search, whatever the weather.

No faults seen, only the good,
Joy or anger, seemed understood.

The whole world appeared complete,
With beautiful thoughts, the heart replete.

Even things I hated appear pretty,
The mind stopped dwelling on all that was petty.

Your sweet voice I could listen to all day,
If you are with me, I am happy to walk the path, all the way.

With such thoughts I float on this heavenly river
Called love, which I hope will last forever!


‘Srika’ (Dr B Srikanth) is an orthopedic surgeon, singer, songwriter, and a self-taught musician.  He lives in London with his wife and two children.

Image courtesy of Chrissy Olson via Creative Commons.


Editor’s note:

For other poems by Srika, read: Cupid’s ArrowLove at First SightAah, Dear MaidenThe Writing of a Love Letter, When Time Stands Still, and Love, The Sweetest of Rhymes.


Jodi365: Find the right partner, at your own pace.

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